Digital Paintings

These pieces were done in Adobe Photoshop, and were created to experiment with color theory, texture, and even a bit of 3D Modeling. Most of the pieces were done in a digital painting class, but after I found my footing, I began honing my skills by developing more personal projects.

Going by the name of Nimbus, this stuffed goat was the subject of my object study. We were encouraged to choose an object that would be challenging in terms of texture, which lead me to choosing the furriest object I owned at the time.

Object Study: Goat

For self portraits, we were required to incorporate foreign textures onto our bodies in some way. I took heavy inspiration from the "Inner Demon Transformation" trope found in most modern Shonen Anime. My inner demon has a crystallized texture emerging through my face and the top of my head.

Self Portrait

We were also tasked with creating environments from scratch. We were to take use any reference photos we liked, change something vital about them, create the environment in the 3d modeling program Maya, and digitally paint over it.
My environment includes a nomadic warrior, wandering an old desert and stumbling upon an ancient relic lost to time: a classic McDonald's.


Every week, we were tasked with doing an orb study. We were allowed turn anything we wanted into an orb, as long as conveyed proper form and dimension, lighting and contrast, and texture.
Pop culture is a massive part of my personality and who I am as an artist, so of course, I turned some of my favorite franchises into orbs (The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Pokémon).

Orb Study: Happy Mask Backpack

Orb Study: Wooden Kirby

Orb Study: Water Type Crustle

As an homage to Akira Toriyama, the creator of the Dragon Ball franchise, after his passing in March 2024, I created an environment based off of his work. 
Dragon Ball was the property that introduced me to manga and anime, and as a result, molded me into the person I am today. I aimed to capture the essence of what made Dragon Ball special.

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